State and Local Tax Update for 2024 - NYS & NYC & NJ - Mark Klein & Joe Endres (Full-Day or 2 Half-Days)
CATEGORY: Taxation
DATE: Any Day or 2 Half-Days Mon.-Thu. January 27-30
or Any Day or 2 Half-Days Mon.-Thu. February 10-13
TIME: Full Day Option: 8:50 A.M. - 5:10 P.M. Eastern
8:50 - 10:45 Welcome & Lecture
10:45 - 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:30 Lecture
12:30 - 1:30 Lunch (on your own)
1:30 - 3:15 Lecture
3:15 - 3:30 Coffee Break
3:30 - 5:00 Lecture
5:00 - 5:10 Wrap-up
Half Day Option: View Anytime Between 9AM-5PM Eastern on each day.
LOCATION: All New (Fall 2024) Pre-Recorded Webinar With Live Q&A
NOTE: There will be an opportunity to receive answers from the instructor in real-time by submitting your questions in the Q&A forum on the webinar page!
Morning Session: The morning session will feature a detailed New York State tax update by Mark Klein and Joe Endres including the following topics: the 2024-2025 NYS Budget and Other Hot topics, New NYS Transfer on Death (TOD) Deeds effective 7/19/2024, Residency and nonresidence allocation issues, Post Pandemic NYS issues, NYS Audit initiatives, Residency audits, Sales and use tax update, NYS taxation of digital products and Software as a Service (SaaS).
Afternoon Session: The afternoon session will feature 3 unique topics. Chaya Siegfried will take a dive into International Taxation, Stuart Schabes will lecture on IRS issues - A View From The Trenches, and Chaim Kofinas will provide a complete review and update of NJ taxes - see detailed topics below.
Topics & Learning Objectives Include:
Morning Session - Mark Klein & Joe Endres
- 2024-2025 NYS Budget and Other Hot topics
- New NYS Transfer on Death (TOD) Deeds Effective 7/19/2024
- Residency and Nonresidence Allocation Issues
- Post Pandemic NYS Issues
- NYS Audit Initiatives
- Residency Audits
- Sales and Use Tax Update
- NYS Taxation of Digital Products and Software as a Service (SaaS)
- Real Life Examples Heard Nowhere Else
Afternoon Sessions (Choose Any 2 of 3)
Option 1: Chaya Siegfried - International Taxation
- Where to Start
- General Principles
- Residency
- Direct Offshore Activity
- Investment in Foreign Corporation
- Controlled Foreign Corporation
- Passive Foreign Investment Company
- Investment in Foreign Partnership
- Withholding on Payments to Foreign Persons
Option 2: Stuart Schabes - Dealing With The IRS
- Loper Bright Decision and Tax Administration and Enforcement
- The latest on the Employee Retention Credit
- What is the IRS focusing on? 1. Changes to CAF and IRS Online TDS program. 2. New IRS Documentation Upload Tool. 3. Artificial Intelligence
- FBAR Enforcement
- Update on Penalty Abatements - Recent Court of Appeals reversal of Farhy
- Update on IRS Independent Office of Appeals
- Treasury Circular 230 – Best Practices
Option 3: Chaim Kofinas - NJ Tax Update
- NJ Inheritance Tax Trap
- Summary of NJ Taxation of Individuals
- Retirement Income Exclusion
- Partnership & BAIT Update
- Corporation Update
- Combined Reporting Update
- S Corporation Election Update
- Convenience Rule
- Sales Tax Update
- Program Level: Overview
- Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of NYS and NYC tax returns
- Advance Preparation: None Required