About Ace Seminars - ACCREDITATIONS

ACE Seminars is a leading provider of high quality CPE and CLE courses for Attorneys, Accountants, EA's and Tax Preparers, featuring nationally renowned lecturers and the lowest tuition rates. Offering live seminars, webinars and audio downloads, ACE keeps to a high standard of educators, featuring lecturers who are experts in their respective fields.


CPE Courses

Accountants Continuing Education (ACE Seminars) is an official sponsor of seminars for accountants.
We are accredited to provide live seminars and live webinars by many National and State Boards.



ACE Seminars is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. Our NASBA Sponsor ID is: 141049.

NEW YORK: NY Education Dept. Sponsor #000061.
NEW JERSEY: NJ State Board of Accounting Sponsor #139.
TEXAS: Texas State Board of Accounting Sponsor #010526. 
OTHER STATES: For additional state listings please call ACE Seminars at 718-544-1929 or email us at cpe@aceseminars.com.
ETHICS COURSE: Our ethics course will satisfy the general professional ethics requirement in all states except those that require a state specific ethics course (AR, AZ, DE, FL, LA, MS, NJ - see below for our NJ Ethics Course, SC, TN, TX, VA, WA, WY). We are approved for NY and Ohio Ethics. Ohio CPE sponsor number CPE.00463.
NJ ETHICS COURSE: ACE Seminars is proud to partner with Dr. Carroll and Accounting Educators to provide NJ Ethics via a Live Webinar Rebroadcast. Accounting Educators holds NASBA Sponsor #103483 and New Jersey State Board of Accountancy - Continuing Educator Sponsor Number 20CE00010300. Your certificate will be issued by Accounting Educators as authorized by NJ State Board of Accountancy.

CE Courses for EA's and Other Tax Preparers

ACE Seminars is also an IRS-approved continuing education provider for EA's and other registered tax return preparers.


Our IRS provider number is  MB6Q3.

CLE Courses

ACE CLE Seminars is an official sponsor of CLE seminars for attorneys. We are accredited to provide live seminars, live webinars, and audio courses. 


NEW YORK:  ACE CLE Seminars has been certified by the New York State Continuing Legal Education Board as an accredited provider of continuing legal education in the State of New York, for audio courses, live seminars, and live webinars.

NEW JERSEY: All CLE courses offered by ACE CLE Seminars qualify for CLE credit for attorneys licensed in New Jersey pursuant to Regulation 201:4 of the Board of Continuing Legal Education and adopted by the Supreme Court of New Jersey. 

Other States: For additional state listings please call ACE CLE Seminars at 718-544-1929 or email us at cle@aceseminars.com.




"I was extremely hesitant to take all 24 CLE credits by CD/MP3. However, each and every course was outstanding. I will do it again with ACE in two years from now!"

"Arthur Werner's courses in estates and trusts are clearly the most informative and enjoyable CLE courses I have ever taken. Kudos to him and ACE CLE Seminars"

Don't just earn your credits, "ACE" them!

Our website will be closed for seminar registrations every Friday at sundown and will re-open Saturday after sundown. You can still view the seminar archives using your link.

To download our Fall 2024 Schedule click here.
To download our CLE brochure click here.

For any questions or concerns please email us at cpe@aceseminars.com or leave a message at (718) 544-1929.