CPE Requirements

 New York 

    • 120 or 72 credits every 3 years.
    • 24 or 40 contact hours of acceptable formal continuing education completed from January 1st through December 31st of each calendar-year (24 if concentrated in one of the recognized subject areas or 40 if in any combination of recognized subject areas).
    • 4 contact hours of acceptable professional ethics completed during every three calendar years. These 4 credits of ethics may be counted toward your 24 or 40 CPE credits in the calendar year that you actually complete the ethics course.
    • Renewal period Jan 1 – Dec 31; triennially based on date of issuance and birth month.
    • Live Seminars and Live Webinars qualify towards your requirements.
For more information please click here.


New Jersey

    • 120 hours every three year period (2023, 2026, 2029, 2032 etc), with a minimum 20 hours per year.
    • 4 contact hours in New Jersey law and ethics approved by the Board completed during every three year period. These 4 credits of ethics may be counted toward your 120 triennial CPE credit requirement.
    • Renewal period Jan 1 – Dec 31; triennially (2023, 2026, 2029, 2032 etc.).
    • Live Seminars and Live Webinars qualify towards your requirements.
For more information please click here, (see subchapter 6 for full details).


For Other State & Jurisdictions Click Here To View The Requirements


EA's and Other Tax Preparers

    • Obtain 72 hours of CE every three years (based on your renewal cycle).
    • Obtain a minimum of 16 hours per year (2 of which must be on ethics).
    • Live Seminars and Live Webinars qualify towards your requirements.

For more information please click here or here.


CLE Requirements

New York

    • Experienced attorneys must complete a total of 24 accredited CLE credit hours during each biennial reporting cycle (the two-year period between your attorney registrations).
    • At least 4 of these credit hours must be in the Ethics and Professionalism category. The remaining credit hours may be in any category of credit.
    • Experienced attorneys may earn CLE credit by attending CLE courses offered in the traditional live classroom format, or in nontraditional formats such as MP3, Cd's, and Webinars.
    • Newly admitted attorneys have a different set of rules requiring the live classroom format. The full requirements can be viewed here.
    • New requirements for 2018: EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2018: Experienced attorneys who are due to re-register on or after July 1, 2018 must complete at least one (1) credit hour in Diversity, Inclusion and Elimination of Bias. This change does not add to the current experienced attorney biennial CLE requirement of twenty-four (24) credit hours, nor does it change the requirement that experienced attorneys earn at least four (4) credit hours in Ethics and Professionalism.

For more information please click here.


New Jersey

    • Experienced attorneys must complete a total of 24 accredited CLE credit hours during each biennial reporting cycle (the two-year period between your attorney registrations).
    • At least 4 of these credit hours must be in the Ethics and Professionalism category. The remaining credit hours may be in any category of credit.
    • Experienced attorneys may earn CLE credit by attending CLE courses offered in the traditional live classroom format, or in nontraditional formats such as MP3, Cd's, and Webinars.
    • Newly admitted attorneys have a different set of rules requiring the live classroom format. The full requirements can be viewed here.

For more information please click here.

Our website will be closed for seminar registrations every Friday at sundown and will re-open Saturday after sundown. You can still view the seminar archives using your link.

To download our Fall 2024 Schedule click here.
To download our CLE brochure click here.

For any questions or concerns please email us at cpe@aceseminars.com or leave a message at (718) 544-1929.