IRS Form 990
Previous NextCREDITS: 3.5
CATEGORY: Taxation
SPEAKER: Michael Tucker Ph.D., JD, CPA
DATE: Tuesday January 14, 2025
or Any Day Mon.-Thu. January 27-30
or Any Day Mon.-Thu. February 10-13
TIME: View Anytime Between 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. Eastern
LOCATION: Webinar Rebroadcast With Live Q&A
This is a unique seminar for accountants that work with non-profit entities. Come and learn about IRS Form 990 - Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax - and the related schedules. Mike Tucker will answer many of your commonly asked questions on this topic and will illustrate a line-by-line explanation of the most significant lines of Form 990. Michael Tucker is one of the most knowledgeable tax lecturers in the nation. He has the ability to simplify the most complex tax rules. Bring in all your tax questions and get a CORRECT answer.
Topics & Learning Objectives Include:
- Organization and Structure of Form 990
- Form 990 & Related Schedules Line-by-Line
- Explanation of Significant Form 990 Lines
- Form 990 Filing Requirements
Michael Tucker is one of the most knowledgeable tax lecturers in the nation. He has the ability to simplify the most complex tax rules. Bring in all your tax questions and get a CORRECT answer.