ACE Seminars is proud to partner with Securex to provide a complete cybersecurity compliance package for all CPA's, CPA firms and PTIN's.

For more information or to schedule your free consultation please call Prof. Blumenfrucht at 718.544.1929 or Ariel Sandell (Cybersecurity Director) at 212.221.1140 EXT. 197.

3 Cybersecurity Requirements for Accountants. One Simple, Time-Saving Service.
Government cyber security guidelines for financial professionals are time-sensitive and carry severe penalties. Here’s what you need to know to stay in compliance and save valuable time.

You’re required to conduct a thorough and accurate Risk Assessment, providing the basis for a detailed Information Securi
ty Program. You’ll need this ISP clearly documented
in writing in order to comply.
Penalties for non-compliance: imprisonment for up to 5 years, steep fines or both. Your business could be fined up to $100,000 for each violation; officers and directors could be fined up to $10,000 for each violation.

To renew your PTIN in October 2022, you’ll be required to create a current Data Security Plan. Criteria are only satisfied with a current ISP as per the GLBA Safeguards Rule.

If you operate in New York State or store information on NYS residents, the NY SHIELD Act, which was effective as of March 2020, requires you to have & document procedures to safeguard customer information.
The act doubles the civil penalty from $10 to $20 per failed notification or $5,000, whichever is greater. The Act also increases the statutory cap on the penalty from $150,000 to $250,000.

Get expert guidance toward compliance with all three requirements, with one simple, time-saving service by Securex. 


How It Works


You’ll designate one member of your team as your security officer.

We’ll guide that person through a 30-45 minute questionnaire or interview and direct some questions to your IT provider. If you do not have an IT provider we will help set you up with a qualified IT specialist.

That’s it. We’ll use the information gathered to provide you with an expert Risk Assessment and your written Information Security Plan. You and your team will use these documents and recommendations to make decisions about policy and controls going forward.  


What's Included

Risk Assessment

Current safeguards and
risks assessed

 A prerequisite to your ISP, which is required for compliance with GLBA + annually by the IRS

Security Plan

Official record of current
safeguards + new policies

Required by GLBA, NY SHIELD Act, and
annually by the IRS when renewing your PTIN

Team Policy

Simplified list of new
policies, procedures and
controls for your team

Helps your team implement
your Information Security Plan

Tech Policy

New policies, procedures
and controls for your
IT Department

 Helps your IT department implement
your Information Security Plan

Get the GLBA Information
Security Package


• Thorough Risk Assessment + Documentation
• Information Security Plan
• Recommendations

Implementation of security recommendations not included. It is your responsibility to follow through on recommended security actions.

Who Is Securex
We are a cyber security and compliance firm specializing in the healthcare and financial industries. We’ve worked with organizations of up to 1500 employees to create custom compliance plans, collaborate with legal teams, and oversee plan implementation.
732.285.4702  /  455 Oak Glen Road  /  Howell, New Jersey 07731

“Securex helped us with our Information Security Plan. It was a quick, simple and professional process that gave us confidence knowing we were working with an expert team. Compliance is a serious concern for accountants, and the fines for violations can be severe. You need someone with compliance know-how, and Securex has that. If you want to hear more about why we recommend Securex for Information Security, call us anytime.”

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Copyright © 2022 Securex, All rights reserved.
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